We are missioned to provide the most pleasant experience with perium products of market leaders and professional technicians in the heart of Central
N美容 / 美甲Nail Waxing

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F美容 / 男士美容Forever Beauty

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S美容 / 美甲Skylife Beauty Lab

We also aim to record the changes of fashion trend in order to enhance our understanding to the clothing and textile market, and the development of living culture in Hong Kong.
P美容 / 形象顧問Pixel Media HK Ltd.

你好, 我叫Leslie, 做護膚化妝品批發超過20年,公司在荔枝角,如有興趣做任何批發都可以聯絡我 whatsapp 9673 4236 (公司名: VR Entertainment Limited)
V美容 / 零售及批發VRE Leslie

女士最注重的東西有兩種,一是面部美容,二是手部美容。 我們私宗旨都是為愛美的女士而增設美容服務,店舖設於非常便利,鄰近港鐵站的城市中心點-西九龍中心。
美容 / 美甲知道美護膚中心 | 艾莉美甲屋

美容 / 植眼睫毛Vi Beauty

我們的零售價跟 SIGMA BEAUTY 官網一樣 ,而且可節省昂貴運費
U美容 / 化妝United TC

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y美容 / 化妝yamasiadog9

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Star Beauty 專業美甲服務,令您享受來自之間的沉醉。選用優質美國Christrio,Ezflow,Lechat,OPI, 日本Nail de Dance,Presto,Romantic Princess, 韓國Bandi,Nfu.Oh 及加拿大Akzentz等美甲產品,信心保證!
S美容 / 美甲Star Beauty

Expanding Internet applications service provider for Beauty and Education Industries invites the qualified candidates for the following vacancies.

most of the car distributors' maintenance workshops are located. equipped with a full size spay/baking room which is utilized by many tuning companies within Hong Kong.

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本司專營批發 歐美日品牌 護膚品,化妝品,香水及各知名保健品 ,貨源由歐美平衡貿易進口,海外免稅店,本地經銷商等。價優貨正,鏈路齊全,適合各電商平台/網店/零售藥妝店/批發貿易商。 如有興趣者,歡迎聯絡以下任何通訊方式以便提供詳細資料 聯絡人: Joe Tel : 9255 4932 WhatsApp: 9255 4932 WeChat 微信: joelo9255 Line: Joe Lo
V美容 / 零售及批發VRE Ltd. (Joe)
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